We had a rare, sub 200 mile drive last night, so we arrived into Budapest at a relatively early 3:00 A.M.
I was still wide awake after getting the band’s bags delivered to their rooms, so I decided to go around the corner from the hotel to take a picture of a cool statue.
That’s when a woman approached me and asked me where I was going.
Women generally don’t approach me, unless they mistake me for one of the millions of other pale white middle aged bald dudes that have infested the globe.
Being that I’m a friendly bald dude, I told her what I was doing.
And that’s when she asked me if I wanted a massage.
A massage? Who doesn’t want a massage?
Well, when it’s from a stranger at 3:00 A.M. outside a hotel in a foreign country, I guess I don’t really want one after all, so I politely declined.
Then she politely upped the ante.
“No thanks”, I replied. She continued the sales pitch, but eventually gave up as I made my way to the statue.
I’ve been racking my brain, and I think that was the first time I’ve ever been propositioned by a prostitute.
Believe it or not, it wasn’t the last.
I returned from the statue a little later and was immediately approached by another woman, who glossed over the massage portion of the offer and got straight to the main course.
She asked for my room number and even started following me into the hotel.
I was declining up a storm as she was going down the laundry list of “transactions” the two of us could conduct.
Then as she was finally starting to realize that room 544 was off limits for the night, a third woman approached.
But I cut her off before she could even start her sales pitch.
I’ve been to Budapest a few times before, but this was a first.
It’s nice to be welcomed to town, but when the welcome wagon is being driven by three hookers, it’s a little odd.
But they were all polite, so kudos to you Hungary; you have exceedingly well-mannered prostitutes, and I can appreciate that.
It seems awkward to follow up a few paragraphs about prostitutes with a few sentences about children, but that was the next portion of our time in Budapest, because the show was held at Budapest Park.
And on a Sunday morning and early afternoon, Budapest Park is a giant playground for kids.
It’s a bit strange to be setting up a rock show and look out from the stage and see hundreds of children running around, but that’s what was happening.
Face painting booths, games, ice cream, pony rides, arts & crafts.
Everything you’d want to see at an Alice In Chain concert.
Except it all cleared out at 3:00 P.M.
Then the ponies were replaced by metalheads and the ice cream was replaced by cigarettes, and suddenly it was a rock show.
Another blue ribbon kickass blaster of a rock show too.
Budapest brought out its best and loudest and headbangiest, and it was another great show.
This European run has been nothing short of amazing so far, and our stop in Hungary was another truly memorable night.
Maybe not as memorable as a triple decker Hungarian hooker proposition, but memorable nonetheless.